Writing for a Miracle: Part 1

I’ve been writing with an orange TiScribe titanium pen since March. It was a birthday present for myself.

I love writing. I love great pens. And this was one of the best…in titanium, with a futuristic orange ceramic coating. God I loved this pen.

Anyone who has ever hunted or backpacked with me knows that I mark the weight of every item on the item so I’m not tempted to take “just one more thing.” Those ounces add up folks. So a great pen in one of the lightest materials possible was an awesome gift for myself. Nailed it, if I do say so!

Yesterday I lost that damn pen. And they no longer seem to make it. And I don’t have a single photo of the damn thing!

Here’s the email I sent to Kelvin, the owner of Urban Survival Gear, hoping for a miracle. Cross your fingers for me.


I’m in mourning. After months of daily use, my beloved orange tiscribe bolt v2.0 pen is no longer with me. It was hard getting out of bed this morning. 

When I looked at the clear plastic piece of…well you know…that I now have to write with, I’d like to tell you that I shed a tear, but that’s not what happened. I was pissed. I lost my damn pen in a home depot parking lot yesterday. I survived waiting in line for 10 minutes followed by 45 minutes of the pro desk trying to special order some PVC fittings for me that by all rights should have already been in stock in the store. My 5-and 10-year-old kids did remarkably well for the first 20 minutes, but after that well, again I’d like to embellish my story here with hair flying, checkout candy displays being destroyed and the police being called, but that’s not what happened. My kids were probably better behaved than I was. (They usually are because thankfully they both take after their mother.) 

After loading all of our stuff in the car, ensuring the kids were buckled properly and then returning the cart (and almost being run over by a gentleman driving at about 30 mph in the parking lot—his tires actually squealed as I was bracing for the impact that thankfully never came) I managed to forget my notebook and pen in the cart. I called the home depot and no joy. My pen and the notebook it was clipped onto have not been located. It would take a special kind of person to return a “found” tiscribe pen. I’d like to think that I’m that kind of person, but honestly I’m glad I’ve never been put in that situation. 

This pen has been everywhere with me since March. It’s a member of our family and my best friend (I don’t get out much, and when I do, people try to run me over in parking lots).

So I looked on your website today, ready to swallow the pill of having to purchase another one. You know what I discovered. No orange ones in the regular length to be found. Reluctantly I ordered a mini, but Kelvin, let me be honest—a stonewashed mini won’t be the same as my original orange tiscribe. After spending the last two hours in 95 degree heat making my kids scour the parking lot and look in several hundred carts (just kidding, that home depot is a half hour away and I wouldn’t do that to my kids) I thought that I could check with you to see if maybe in addition to making and selling the best pen ever, you also deal in miracles and might be able to locate another orange tiscribe bolt v 2.0—even a scuffed or imperfect one would work.

Thanks for your help and understanding. I’m a little upset that losing this pen makes me upset. Should I be upset with you for making a pen that I loved so much that when I lost it, well, I lost it? I think not. It was bliss having this pen in my life for the brief period that I did. My notebook is better for it and god knows that my wife was happy I was writing things down and forgetting them less (I still managed to forget things, the pen wasn’t a miraculous device, though I think it came close.). 

Can you make this day any better for me? Might you be able to locate an orange tiscribe bolt v2.0 for sale?


UPDATE: Three hours after I sent my email I heard back from a sympathetic Kelvin. The orange pens will return later this month! Great customer service from these guys again.

The saga continues. Part 2